Thursday, January 30, 2020

Occupy Wall Street, Pros and Cons Essay Example for Free

Occupy Wall Street, Pros and Cons Essay In the past year, there has been a movement that has grown out of the frustration over the unemployed masses across the nation. The movement was mostly aimed at Big Banks and the wealthiest 1% who hold a significant percent of the money in this country. The movement, in its beginnings, was meant to protest the declining middle class and rapid expanding lower class. It also contended that the upper class was not paying their share of taxes. Pro side of the Movement: The OWS movement brought to the forefront the belief that the rich were paying a much lower percentage of taxes then there middle and lower class counterparts. It demanded that the rich pay more taxes and regulate the flow of money to big banks and bank bailouts. Much like the Tea Party movement, they demanded an end to the TARP bailouts and end to federal bailouts of a corrupted Federal Reserve. The movements motto, â€Å"Companies are bad, Capitalism is inherently evil†, also shows the movements opposition to big corporations making lots of money and not sharing it with their employees. It has gathered a lot of support from among the ultra liberal population and shown that there are a good number of people who support this cause. Among the supporters have been many celebs, politicians and even labor unions. The fact that banks raked in record profits before the housing crash, and unfairly foreclosed millions of loans on middle class and poor people, then received federal bailouts to save them infuriated many people. The single largest cost to the American taxpayer of all time, more than all the previous national debt combined since the nation’s birth in 1776, the banks received not billions, but trillions in this TARP bailout. It was from this 2 movements were born. Tea Party and OWS both owe their origins to this single event. OWS is the Liberal side vs. the Conservative Tea Party. Anti Occupy Wall Street: In the beginning of the movement, there wasn’t a lot of opposition to their ideas across the board. They had a solid idea and cause. They stood for the middle and lower class citizens with a message the 99% of the population was tired of being walked on by the rich. However, this image quickly tarnished. The movement became a collection of people who basically looked like a homeless camp of vagrants of people who felt they were â€Å"entitled† to a comfortable life and not having to work for it. Almost every face in the crowd was people that were basically unemployable because they had excessive tattoos, bad hygiene or very bad attitudes vs. everything! Mixed In with their protests were political groups joining the band wagon, such as Communist, Marxist, Nazi and Anarchist? There signs often portrayed violence to rich people and corporations. They would cry out, â€Å"We are the 99%† the whole time the real 99% of the population was becoming disgusted with these people. The movement is dying and basically dead because the people who organized these camps did not police themselves or distance themselves from the people who tarnished the initial message of the movement. Instead of a message being sent to the rich, they made themselves and embarrassment to their cause. Can Occupy Wall Street be fixed? : Is it too late to undo the damage the bad elements of the protest? I think it is. They had/have no clear message anymore. They complain about everything and everyone. All rich people are evil, our capitalistic government is evil and Corporations are Evil? This is their claim. However, do these people stop to think (as they use there iPhones, sipping Starbucks coffee and wearing designer clothes) that they are hypocrites? That if not for all they stand against, America would be nothing more than a 3rd world country? Do the people who support socialism and communism not realize they have been tried and failed time and time again? Socialism is a great government till you run out of others people’s money! Rich people provide a vast majority of the jobs in this country. There is also the fact, that in America, everyone has the potential to become rich. There are more millionaires in America, than the whole world combined. There are many things in their message that is simply not thought out. The movement needs to single out the wrong doers such as BofA and the people who caused the housing crash. They need to support intelligent people who can spread a positive message for them. Not be a huge un-washed mass of entitled hippies looking for a handout. My Opinion: I think the movement is dead. It was dead after the first week. It needs to go away and reboot. It needs a new plan, new people and leadership. It needs a voice! It has been marred by violence and shame. I hate that these people say they represent me. I represent the hard working people of this country that believes in the American Dream. These entitled ingrates need to stop wondering why they can’t get a job while there getting there face pierced or a new tattoo. I want to be rich one day, and I don’t want to have to pay 70% of my income to pay for people who won’t get off their butts and get a job. I believe if you work hard, you should be rewarded for it, not punished!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Effects of the Tet Offensive Essay -- Vietnam War Essays

For nine years, the United States were hell-bent in achieving their rightful victory in Vietnam, however, destiny had different plans for them. The Tet Offensive is considered the turning point of the Vietnam Conflict because of the fact that the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army surprised the U.S and South Vietnam with several sporadic attacks. Consequently, many effects from these attacks were expected, not only for America, but for North and South Vietnam as well. With U.S citizens’ opinions quickly turning against U.S. involvement in Vietnam, South Vietnam faced much disaster. Its government was stricken with humility because of the increased abandonment of their army, leading to the inability to protect its citizens. On the other hand, North Vietnam began accepting great amounts of land along with the power to frighten the rural population. Soon after the Tet Offensive, citizens of the United States began having second opinions about concentrating our troops in Vietnam: â€Å"Within weeks [of the Tet attacks], many average Americans who previously were supporters had turned against the war† (Omicinski 2). A small cluster of Vietcong forces made their way into the compound of the United States embassy located in Saigon, proving to Americans that even though there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting in Vietnam, the U.S. had progressed only slightly (Dudley 131). The people were constantly being told that the conflict would soon end, however, increased need of military assistance had U.S. citizens questioning the veracity of our government. The phrase "credibility gap" surfaced to describe the growing public scepticism (Gerdes 14). This factor led to the government’s loss of support from most of the population. Ano...>. Dennison, John D. Tet Offensive of 1968 - A Simpler Version. 24 Aug 2004. 1st Cav Medic Radio Station. 3 May 2007 . Dudley, William. The Vietnam War: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc, 1998. Gerdes, Louise. Examining Political Issues Through Political Cartoons: The Vietnam War. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Omicinski, John. â€Å"Tet Offensive 30 years ago: A turning point of Last Half-Century.† USA Today. Jan. 31, 1998. SIRS Researcher. Waubonsie Valley H. S. Lib., Aurora, IL. 3 May 2007 . Vietnamization: Lasting Effects On South Vietnam. 1999. StudyWorld. 11 May 2007 . Effects of the Tet Offensive Essay -- Vietnam War Essays For nine years, the United States were hell-bent in achieving their rightful victory in Vietnam, however, destiny had different plans for them. The Tet Offensive is considered the turning point of the Vietnam Conflict because of the fact that the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army surprised the U.S and South Vietnam with several sporadic attacks. Consequently, many effects from these attacks were expected, not only for America, but for North and South Vietnam as well. With U.S citizens’ opinions quickly turning against U.S. involvement in Vietnam, South Vietnam faced much disaster. Its government was stricken with humility because of the increased abandonment of their army, leading to the inability to protect its citizens. On the other hand, North Vietnam began accepting great amounts of land along with the power to frighten the rural population. Soon after the Tet Offensive, citizens of the United States began having second opinions about concentrating our troops in Vietnam: â€Å"Within weeks [of the Tet attacks], many average Americans who previously were supporters had turned against the war† (Omicinski 2). A small cluster of Vietcong forces made their way into the compound of the United States embassy located in Saigon, proving to Americans that even though there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting in Vietnam, the U.S. had progressed only slightly (Dudley 131). The people were constantly being told that the conflict would soon end, however, increased need of military assistance had U.S. citizens questioning the veracity of our government. The phrase "credibility gap" surfaced to describe the growing public scepticism (Gerdes 14). This factor led to the government’s loss of support from most of the population. Ano...>. Dennison, John D. Tet Offensive of 1968 - A Simpler Version. 24 Aug 2004. 1st Cav Medic Radio Station. 3 May 2007 . Dudley, William. The Vietnam War: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc, 1998. Gerdes, Louise. Examining Political Issues Through Political Cartoons: The Vietnam War. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Omicinski, John. â€Å"Tet Offensive 30 years ago: A turning point of Last Half-Century.† USA Today. Jan. 31, 1998. SIRS Researcher. Waubonsie Valley H. S. Lib., Aurora, IL. 3 May 2007 . Vietnamization: Lasting Effects On South Vietnam. 1999. StudyWorld. 11 May 2007 .

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Hillary Clinton Essay

HILLARY CLINTON All can agree that this year is a very special year for presidential candidates. One candidate could be the first Morman president. One who could be the oldest president. Another who could be the first black president. And last, but not least, one who could very well become the first women president! This one woman, as we all know, is no stranger to the White House. Yes, she has called it her home before. She lived there for nearly eight years. Her name is †¦ Hillary Clinton, Presidential Candidate for the 2008 Democratic Party. The following will demonstrate the stances, vision, political accomplishes and pieces of her own life, on which she is planning to lead our country in the right direction. Hillary Diane Rodham, the first child born to Dorthy and Hugh Rodham, was born on October 26, 1947 at a Chicago hospital, and was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois. Hillary’s childhood was happy but disciplined. She loved participating in sports and was greatly involved with her church. During high school, she was enrolled in the National Honor Society. Her parents always encouraged her to study hard and to follow whatever career interested her(Jones 1). Hillary graduated Wellesley College, and spoke at her graduation saying, â€Å"The challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible. † Later, in 1969, she entered Yale law School where she serced on the Board of Editors of Yale Law Review and Social Action. This point in Hillar’s life holds a special place in her heart, for this is the place in which she met her future husband, Bill Clinton. She often recalls how they met in the library when she walked up to him and said, â€Å"If you are going to keep staring I might as well introduce myself. † Hillary and Bill married in 1975. In those next few years to come, Hillary joined the faculty of the university of Arkansas Law School and later the Rose Law Firm. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the board of Legal Services corporation. Bill, on the other hand, became the Governor of Arkansas. Then in 1980, the first child, Chelsea Clinton, was born (Walker 1). After Bill had been elected President of the United States of America, Hillary did her best to balance public service and her family (Jones3). Now a days, Hillary’s name is among many influencial people such as Barack Obama and John McCain, as she fights to win the election. If she should win, as we all know she will become the very first woman president in the United States history (Simpson 1). Hillary Clinton is one of the very diverse candidates for the 2008 presidential election. She has been in the White House before but not as President. She has been working hard for our country ever since Bill Clinton, her husband, became president in 1992. Hillary Clinton’s political achievements range from helping after 9/11 as a New York Senator, to running campaigns against the degradation and abuse of women. Hillary Clinton is a strong force to be reckoned with. As first lady she accomplished traveling the globe speaking for women’s rights. From the White House she led efforts to make adoption easier, expand early learning and child care, increase funding for breast cancer research, and to help veterans suffering from Gulf War syndrome who had often been ignored in the past. Hillary helped to launch a national campaign to prevent teen pregnancy and helped create an Adoption Safe Families Act in 1997, this moved children from foster care to adoption more quickly. Thanks to her efforts the number of children who have moved out of foster care and into adoption has increased. Hillary Clinton’s campaign for a universal health care coverage did not succeed, but she continues to push. She has helped plan the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provided millions of Children with health insurance. In 2000 Hillary Clinton was elected as Senator for New York, as senator Clinton has continued to advocate for women and children , has been a national leader for homeland security , and she worked in 2001 to recover and rebuild after 9/11. She has also worked to make sure our troops in Iraq are properly equipt, expand quality affordable health care, she has pushed to help care for children, and has worked to make sure everyone has the fair right to vote. Hillary Clinton has made many strides in political achievement and has earned her spot to have a fair run in the 2008 Presidential election (Clinton 1). As president Hillary Clinton will lower taxes for middle class families: extending the middle class tax cuts including child tax and marriage penalty relief, offering new tax cuts for health care, college, and retirement, and expanding the EITC and the child care tax credit. Also she plans on harnessing the power of innovation to create high wage jobs on the 21st century. In vestments in alternative energy can create new jobs; expanded access to broadband will bring opportunities to underserved and disadvantaged communities. The manufacturing base re-energized through creative partnerships; and increased government suppor for research will stimulate the development of new technologies and life saving medicines. Hillary will restore integrity to science policy, recoiling Bush administration policies that are holding our nation back. Hillary Clinton said, â€Å"After six and a half years of President Bush’s fiscal irresponsibility, she wants America to regain control of its destiny†. She will move toward a balanced budget. Hillary believes that we would develop a set of budget rules similar to those we had in the 90s (Clinton 1). Hillary is very educated, and since she is very educated, she has many views and opinions on different issues. One view she has that many people feel very strongly about is abortion. Some people are totally against it, calling it in humane, while many people are completely for it. Hillary Clinton, is pro-choice, meaning she is for it. No she has never had an abortion, but she thinks this will keep people from getting illegal or unsafe abortions. I agree with this in the fact that if people want to do something, or want something done, they are going to do it. So why not do it as safe as possible (http://www. ontheissues. org/2008/Hillary_Clinton_Abortion. htm). Along with being pro- choice, Hillary has many other views, she believes some people caught with crack cocaine should get shorter sentences, ending the war as soon as possible is whats best, health care should be easily afforded and accesed, improving our schools is very important, and last but definitely not least women’s rights. One of the most important issues, Hillary believes, is ending the war in Iraq. She wants Iraq and its neighboring countries to govern itself. This would allow us to focus on our own government. Don’t get me wrong, she does want to help Iraq get back on its feet, but not by keeping troops over there, by spreading peace not war. She wants the countries to refrain from getting involved in their civil war. She also wants our troops to come home almost instantly. This is also a big issue many people look at when they are deciding on who their vote should go to. The issues may be very important and critical, but Hillary doesn’t hide what she believes because she wants people to know what they are getting when they vote Clinton. (Clinton 3 and 1) In conclusion, Hillary Clinton has, and sill is, proving herself to be a worthy opponent in this presidential Election. Her stances, visions, leadership skills, and her own background have been explained and demonstrated In hopes to open your eyes to not only Hillary as a candidate, but all candidates.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay about Causes and Effects of Water Pollution - 613 Words

There are many causes for water pollution. The main one is plastics. The reason for that is that plastics take four hundred and fifty years to decompose in the water. Also many companies use plastic and people throw it in the waterways. Because water can float and be carried by the wind, it can cause harm to unsuspecting creatures hundreds of feet from where it was originally dumped. Such waste includes bags, bottles, cups, straws, cup lids, utensils, six pack holders, cling wrap, fishing line, bait bags, and floats. The second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take much garbage with them on their ships and dump them. This was very common until the government took action. They were giving sailors†¦show more content†¦Some of the businesses that contribute to the water pollution are businesses that repair and maintain motor vehicles, electroplate, operate printing and coping equipment, perform dry cleaning and laundry services, process photographs, operate labs, involve building and construct roads, provide pest control, preserve wood, and make Furniture. Water pollution doesn ¹t just effect humans, it affects are whole ecosystem. Birds and marine life are affected by it. More than fifty species of birds are known to ingest plastic. When they eat plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation. Algal blooms are another thing that kills marine life. Algal blooms are sea scum, whale food, and sea sawdust. Algal blooms are bundles of fine threads, rusty brown, they have a fishy smell, and are common in August through December. Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe, recreation, manufacturing, and power. We need water for almost everything, if we dont start cleaning up we will be in big trouble. Bunches of families dispose of chemicals everyday. It affects us drastically and we depend on it to be clean. Right now the government is fining people for illegal dumping. But that is all the government is doing. People in cities are organizing water pollution groups. A lot of people are producing fliers and giving them out. The are asking people to adapt aShow MoreRelatedCauses and Effects of Water Pollution1292 Words   |  5 Pagesof our Earth surface is covered by water and almost 60% of the human body contain water for nutrient transportation. The unique characteristic of water is water molecule is the only substance in this Earth that exist in all three physical states of matter which are solid, liquid and gas. All human beings need water to survive. The national development over the years cause the rate of water pollution increased. 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These effects are particular with the environment and a numberRead MoreThesis Statement1030 Words   |  5 PagesThesis Statement Water pollution has had devastating effects on the environment, which include irreversible effects to the oceans ecosystem, health problems and abnormal conditions. interference of the oceans ecosystem - Plastic storage bags can kill animals in the oceans like dolphins, turtles and whales. It is easy for wildlife to swallow and eventually causes death. * Over 1.5 billion tons of plastic water bottles end up in US landfills each year. It takes over 300 years to degradeRead MoreThe Hazardous Effects of Pollution to the Environment and Human Health.Docx Uploaded Successfully1376 Words   |  6 PagesThe Hazardous Effects of Pollution to the Environment and Human Health Abstract Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse change. It can take the form of chemical substances or energy. 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